The toughest parts of each trimester(for me)
Aug 16, 2023The toughest parts of each trimester(for me)
Before I start I just want to say this was my experience and everyone’s is different! This is not to scare anyone, it’s just to put out my real and raw experience through out pregnancy. Pregnancy is a wild time. It’s amazing, it’s tough, it’s a whirlwind of emotions. I feel that a lot of women don’t talk about the tough times because they don’t want to sound like they are complaining. They don’t want to sound like they aren’t grateful. They don’t want to burden anyone. I’m here to tell you it’s ok to not enjoy every part of pregnancy, it’s ok to talk about the tough times, it’s ok that parts of pregnancy are harder than other parts. You can be grateful and still acknowledge that pregnancy is hard!!!!! I am extremely grateful for my baby and want more and will go through this all over again because it’s so worth it, but I’m allowed to have these feelings, as are you:)
-1st trimester-
The first trimester was hands down the toughest trimester for me! Leading up to finding out I was pregnant I started feeling bloated, fatigued, and tired. I remember taking so many naps that week. About a week after I found out I started getting super nauseous. The nausea was the worst!!!! I also had really bad food aversions to literally everything I would regularly eat lol. That was so hard. Opening up the fridge would make me want to puke. I’m pretty sure Ian thought I was crazy. I would tell him I was hungry but I wasn’t but I was. Trust me it didn’t make sense to me either. I also didn’t want to make any food, the thought would make me nauseous. I could hardly eat protein, the thought made me sick. I spent a lot of time in bed with my dogs. They loved every minute of that! The heat would make me nauseous as well and it was july in Arizona. I then started puking every night at the same time. It was very odd. I wasn’t able to enjoy my regular exercise program because like I said it was HOT and my gym is in my garage. We brought our treadmill inside so I could at least get my steps in. I also had the weirdest cravings. They are gross to me now, minus chick fil a. I was craving things I hadn’t had in years. Like hot pockets LOL. All those symptoms lasted until I got into my second trimester so for the most part the first trimester wasn’t too enjoyable. But man was I super excited to be a mom and I knew those symptoms weren’t going to last forever. I knew I would get through it. All for my girl.
Also, I am super grateful for my wonderful husband as he took the best care of me the whole entire time. He would deliver me anything I needed to the bed where I spent most of the day. He would fulfill all of my crazy cravings. He took care of the house and did all the chores. He drove me to every single doctors appointment. I couldn’t have gotten through that first trimester without him. The way he has always taken care of me made me even more excited for our daughter as I knew he was going to be the best Dad ever.
-2nd Trimester-
The second trimester was my absolute favorite!!! I started feeling better and was able to basically be me again. I got back into lifting and walking more regularly. I started growing a little bump that was so freaking cute. I started feeling my baby girl moving in there. I had so much energy. Being pre/postnatal certified I was so excited to program for myself and have a healthy pregnancy. I really don’t think I have anything negative to say about the second trimester. The only things were really the aches and pains from my belly growing. The round ligament pain was also a little weird at first as I’ve never felt that and it didn’t feel good. I started seeing a chiropractor again during the middle of this trimester as I needed pain management. Regular adjustments helped sooooo much!!!! Every night when Ian and I would sit on the couch I would put my hands in my belly and feel for kicks. This became routine for me. I loved feeling those kicks so much.
-3rd Trimester-
The third trimester started off great too! Again, lots of energy, feeling great, all the good stuff. As I started growing more and more I started feeling like a balloon lol. The aches and pains increased a bit because duh I was growing. I swear exercising through out and being healthy made it way more manageable. I honestly can’t imagine how I would have felt if I didn’t take care of myself. Anyway, as I got bigger I started slowing down, getting more tired a lot easier, started experiencing shortness of breath, my hips were super tight, and I would sweat a lot lol. These are all very common as you grow because of course your body is filling up with more fluids, your baby is taking up space and squishing your organs, and you have more added weight and pressure. The one thing that always freaked me out was worrying that my belly button would pop. Haha an irrational fear if you will. That freaked me out so bad. I was always so careful getting up because of the pressure and that thought. The last couple weeks were extremely hard because I was so dang uncomfortable. I would lay in the bath every single night with magnesium/Epsom salt and Ian would hangout with me and either read books to me, talk about things we needed to get done before baby, or just our excitement to be parents! It was a new part of our nightly routine that I really enjoyed. Plus the water took the pressure off for the moment and that’s all I needed. Once we found out baby was breech we were doing all the things to try and get her to flip so that was even more exhausting for me. I was walking, well waddling, for an hour a day. I had to split that into two 30 minute sessions because the pressure/aches/pains were very uncomfortable. I don’t think there’s any way around how uncomfortable you feel at the end but you just gotta keep going! Another thing was how sore my feet were. Omg. That was rough! Ian would rub my feet every night. Ohhhhh also I forgot to mention all the peeing. I would wake up multiple times a night to pee. Every time we went out to run errands I pretty much had to pee at every place. I now know where all the bathrooms are at the places around town. My mom would make fun of me every single time.
Despite some of the annoying symptoms through out pregnancy it went by SOOOO FAST!!!!!!
The night before my scheduled C-Section I honestly could not believe it was already almost over. But again, I was so excited and so ready to meet my baby girl.
Now, at this very moment, I am sitting here nap trapped with a 6 month old. It’s absolutely crazy how fast time is just flying by.
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