What is Progressive Overload?
Oct 08, 2022Our body is in a constant state of adaptation - attempting to find internal balance or homeostasis. In the context of resistance training, your body will eventually adapt to the training stimulus you are giving it such that it will no longer be a challenge - to you or your nervous system. This is when the progressive overload comes to the rescue! Progressive overload is the primary underlying scientific principle of resistance training. To ensure your body is not fully adapting to the training stimulus, you or your trainer must increase the intensity of the program. This can be done by adjusting one or more variables: 1. Load (weight) 2. Reps 3. Time under tension 4. Difficulty of exercise. Other training tools can also be used to increase the volume or intensity within a given workout. These include supersets, dropsets, pyramid sets, partials, and negatives.
Progressive overload should be implemented regardless of your current fitness level - beginner or experienced. If you need help doing this, we would love to design programming that allows you to achieve your goals! Fill out the free consultation form for either Coach Alex or Ian to start your journey.
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